Thursday, February 18, 2010


One of my new year's resolutions this year was to read more.  I have lots of books that I want to read (currently 4 sitting on my night table).  I've also decided if I hate a book, I don't need to finish it.  There's one sitting on my nightstand for about a year and a half now with like 50 pages left that I just can't bring myself to open again.  Maybe one day.  

It dawned on me recently that I really should read more.  I have plenty of time to read and yet, I never have the time to read. I'm always super busy watching tv or roaming the Internet.  One of my friends has 2 kids, 2 dogs, a job, a husband, and a house.  Yet, she reads a ton.  So my resolution was just to read one chapter a day.  Not too much that it's impossible and daunting and I could easily read more if I wanted to.

Of course, I read 8 chapters of a book one day and then decided I was good to go for the week.  I'm trying to change that.  Over the past weekend I've read 2.5 books.  My latest discovery is I really like series. 

I get so involved in these characters and their lives for 300+ pages and then never hear from them again.  Sometimes, I actually get sad that I won't get to find out what happened to a character.  Books that just leave you hanging and then never come out with a sequel.. that annoys me.  So I decided to try out some series and see how that were.  I'm enjoying that I already know the characters and that I can keep picking up the next one to hear about their latest adventures. 

I'm currently reading the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.  I didn't say the books have to be life-changing but I really enjoy the way she writes and how in depth she makes the characters.  Even though they're about vampires and all sorts of other mythical creatures, it's believable.   I'm up to book 8 and I'm trying not to finish it too quickly since there is only one more book to go.  Plus, I have this terrible terrible habit of buying books and the last book is still only available in hardcover.  Even when I can pick up a paperback for $7.99, after 8 books it really starts to add up.  At this point, I also have 8 of the 9 books, I'm a completist.. when the next book is available in paperback, I will need to buy it.

I'm really going to try to go to the library more often than the twice a year I'm currently averaging.  It's silly to buy all these books because I read pretty quickly (once I actually sit down with a book) and I rarely reread things.  Plus, since I'm into serials lately, it's going to take up too much room in my house and my wallet. 

I'm thinking of starting one of the Janet Evanovich series because I've heard from a few people that they're great.  Have any suggestions for books?  Series or single books are good.  I'll read pretty much any genre.


  1. I love reading too! My son brings home books from the school library and I end up reading those...I know its silly but we seem to have the same taste in reading. We both fell in love with the Twilight series and we shared the Harry Potter series for a while. I think series books are the best kind because the story keeps going and going. I really have an issue with closing a book and wondering what happens to those characters next. It's like I get attached to the characters...

    Anyway, another suggestion is to look for good used book stores - we had one here called Trade-A-Book where you could bring in a book and swap it for another. Sure saves money and recycles at the same time.

    As always, I enjoy reading your posts...looking forward to the next!

  2. I really liked the Twilight series - it was actually one of the reasons that I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse books. They're good, like Twilight for adults haha.

    My sister keeps telling me to check out Harry Potter but for some reason I haven't. I'm sure once I got into the books I'd like them.. one day..

    Used book stores would be a really good idea!
