Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crock Pot Wednesday

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Im taking part in Dining with Debbie's Crock Pot Wednesday again. Of course, we cooked corned beef and cabbage today.  Here's what I do:

2-3 smallish potatoes
3-5 smallish turnips
2-3 carrots
2-3 stalks of celery
3-4lb corned beef
1 head of cabbage (for later)

Cut all the veggies into chunks.  Then put everything in the crock pot starting with the top of the list and going down the line.  Put in the seasoning package that comes with the meat.  Or, if you're lucky like me and didn't receive a seasoning package - just use a few tablespoons of Pickling Spice.  Put in enough water to cover.

Put the crock pot on low and let it go for about 10 hours.  Take out the meat and put it aside to keep warm.  Cut the cabbage into 4-6 pieces depending on it's size and then place in crock pot.  Put the crock pot on high for about 30-45 minutes.

You don't have to use turnips but I use them when I'm eating low carb because they end up tasting potato-y.  My husband still wants his potatoes though so I put them in as well and I just don't peel the potatoes so I can tell them apart.

I usally serve everything with home-made coleslaw.  I have to eat coleslaw with my corned beef and cabbage because growing up I hated cooked cabbage and my dad would make coleslaw just for me.  One day I'll post my coleslaw recipe cause it's really easy and really good.

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