Don't read that article if you are at all sensitive to animal abuse. It's freaking terrible what those people did. Somewhere around 150 dogs but that can't give an exact count - for reasons explained in the article. The fostering place didn't care if we didn't have a backyard (unlike the people I tried going with last year), they were just happy I could help.
Poor little Hugo had never been outside in his life. He didn't know what grass was! Obviously has no idea what housebroken or walking on a leash mean. When you go near him, he generally starts shaking and lays down because he doesn't know what to do. He's already super excited when we walk into the room and happy to see us and he's only been here since around 2:30. This is amazing progress. I'm so proud of the little guy already.
He's definitely got something going on with his ear - it's incredibly dirty and he cries when you go near it. We've gotten it much cleaner but we'll try more tomorrow. I don't want to overwhelm him. I will say as scared as he's been, he hasn't once nipped at us or even thought about biting us. When we were going at his ears, he just cried and tried turning away.
Cooper has also been fantastic. He's the big dog now. Yes, Hugo is that small haha. Both of them sat in the kitchen watching me as I made dinner as if that's what they always did. Hopefully, Hugo follows Cooper's lead and learns leash skills and how to walk outside quickly. When I brought him out before, the wind blew, and he just curled into a ball on the ground. When I assured him it was okay and it happened again he sat up. He really wants to not be afraid and it's so cool to watch that happen.
And now, pictures all taken with my phone so they have that lovely indoor lighting/yellow iPhone quality.
They had to shave down most of the dogs from the house because they were so terrible matted. His hair is pretty short on his body but I think when it grows in, he'll be adorable. The ears kill me!
Louie and Hugo give kisses to each other - he likes cats
The boys watching tv. Hugo gets a towel in case he decides to pee on my couch.
The boys conked out as I write this.
Hugo is adorable! Good for you for being so generous to share your home! Hugo is a lucky dog! I am sure he will grow fond of you both quite quickly. Have fun with him!
ReplyDeleteThank you! He's doing great so far. Slept thru the night without a peep. Of course, I checked on him constantly because I was worried. Since he's not housebroken, I keep thinking he's a puppy and needs to go out every two hours but he's fine. And, of course I forgot how unfun it is to housetrain a dog but we're working on it. haha