Monday, February 8, 2010

Meal Plan Monday

I can't believe another week has already started.. Here's another Meal Plan Monday.

Last week we never got around to eating: Paella or Stir Fry.  I just ended up making random things those nights because we weren't in the mood for either. 

For breakfasts we still have 3 bagels left so we'll eat those, along with waffles and/or eggs. Lunch will be leftovers as usual or there are some Lean Cuisines in the freezer

It's a weird week this week.  I met the husband for lunch today and we went to a Chinese buffet so since that was such a big meal that means no real dinner tonight.  Also, we're heading out to my parent's either Thursday or Friday and we haven't decided which day yet.  So only a few meals planned.

•Monday: Popcorn or random snacks while watching tv (very healthy, I know)

•Tuesday: Chickpea Cutlets w/Gravy from The Happy (atheist) Homemaker

•Wednesday: Taco Bake from The Shambled Shack I'll use up the frozen leftover buffalo chicken that I made last week with this.

•Thursday: Chicken (and whatever fish I can find in the freezer) Paella which may, yet again, be pushed back to next week.


  1. If you have the opportunity and the equipment...take a picture of your taco bake. :) Would love to see how you put it together and how you liked it. :)

  2. I'm not guarenteeing anything but I will definitely try.
