Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We broke.. already

Well, we broke that whole "No food shopping" thing.  Yes, it was quick.  But, there were some good reasons for it.

  1. We were out of olive oil.  Yes, it's not a big deal since I have spray, vegetable oil, and peanut oil but still.  It was on sale so the husband picked some up.  If it wasn't, we would've just done without.
  2. We were out of paper towels.  I probably have 5-6 kitchen towels hanging around my kitchen currently (not counting the clean ones in the pantry) but when I'm dealing with raw meat I prefer paper towels.  Plus, with three animals there are random spills happening all the time.
  3. This is the main reason:  My husband wanted to pick up some fruit. 
How could I say no to that?  Growing up he barely ate fruits and veggies.  The only "vegetables" his parents made were boiled broccoli/cauliflower, canned creamed corn, and baked potatoes.  I'm not sure what fruit he ate.  Off the top of my head I'm thinking just strawberries and apples.  Yup, that's pretty much it.  So, when Mr. Picky Eater decides he wants to pick up some fresh fruit (and I don't have to go to the supermarket) I will gladly let him do that. 

I'm okay with this and I'm not counting it as fully breaking the challenge.  Everyone needs fresh fruits/vegetables every once in a while and that's okay.


  1. Hmm...I am not sure how a pantry challenge works as I haven't had the luxury or the pantry to do so...but I would think this wouldn't qualify...its not really grocery shopping...not the way I shop anyway...LOL. Oh...by the way, I got your recipe posted. :D

  2. Pretty much you just eat from your pantry and try to go without food shopping. My problem is that, at the supermarket, I always buy random things with great plans in mind. Then they sit in the back of the pantry/freezer for way too long because I forget about them.

    My husband also pointed out that our bank is currently running a promotion where we get $10 back for every $100 we spend on groceries until mid-March. So it may actually make more sense for me to break the challenge now. I'm not sure though.
